This classification includes material related to the recording of Hadith and biographies of reporters.

- TXT: Text

The original texts of all Hadith books are in صلى الله عليه وسلمrabic, but this classification is for translated works.

- USU: Usul

The terminology and explanation of Mustalah writings (Science of Hadith) come into this category.

- WRI: Writings

صلى الله عليه وسلمll other general works on Islam that deal specifically with aspects of the Hadith and Sunnah are classified in this category.

ملاحظة: - طبعت أسماء الكتب بالحرف الأسود، أمّا أسماء البحوث المنشورة في المجلات فهي بالحروف المائلة.

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